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Check out Our Podcast Episode: Legacies of Settler Colonialism in Atlantic Canada and Beyond

Photo du rédacteur: Repenser l'AcadieRepenser l'Acadie

How are we to make sense of the complex legacies of settler colonialism in contemporary Canada? What were the effects of Acadian settlement on indigenous peoples in eastern Canada, or Mi’kmaki, and in Louisiana? Highly relevant to current debates on historical memory, commemoration, and reconciliation with indigenous nations, these matters are addressed in a podcast documentary drawn from a symposium held in the Acadian community of Chéticamp, on Cape Breton island, in August of 2021: "Legacies of Settler Colonialism in Atlantic Canada and Beyond." This episode was released through Acadiversité, a podcast series produced by the Observatoire Nord/Sud's Studio N/S. Listen here:

This roundtable was part of a two-day event, "Coastal Communities and Cape Breton Settlement: Stories of Place," organized by the Gorsebrook Research Institute of St. Mary's University in partnership with the Institute d'études acadiennes (Université de Moncton) and the Observatoire Nord/Sud (Université Sainte-Anne). Hosted by Clint Bruce, the podcast features three members of the team of Repenser l'Acadie dans le monde (Rethinking Acadia in the World), namely project codirector Dr. Gregory Kennedy (U. de Moncton), Dr. Nicole Gilhuis (Pepperdine U.), and Dr. John Reid (Gorsebrook Research Institute). The other participants are Dr. Rohini Bannerjee (St. Mary’s U.), Michael Dardar (United Houma Nation), and Dr. Thomas Peace (Huron University College). Chéticamp resident and heritage entrepreneur Scott Aucoin leads a guided walk to the ruins of a mill constructed in the late eighteenth century by Acadian founders who settled on Cape Breton after years of exile. The event was sponsored by the Royal Society of Canada through its Open Academy program.

This podcast is accompanied by two bonus - or lagniappe - episodes. (In Louisiana French, the word "lagniappe" refers to a small gift that is added to an exchange as a show of appreciation.)

In "Settlement and Legacies of Resilience in Northern Cape Breton," Dr. Karly Kehoe relates colonial-era displacement, namely during the Highland Clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries, to later patterns of rural exclusion. Focusing on the now-abandoned squatter community of Pollett's Cove, she highlights how Scottish migrants, themselves victims of British imperialism, contributed to settler colonial policies directed against indigenous peoples. Listen here:

In "The United Houma Nation: History and Questions for Indigenous Louisiana," Michael Dardar, a former vice-chief and tribal historian of the Louisiana's largest indigenous nation. On 3 November 2018, Dardar took part in a panel held during the 21st conference of the American Council for Québec Studies, in New Orleans. That roundtable focused on the Houmas’ international presence, specifically on the tribe’s relations with France. Like his writings, which include the book-length essay Istrouma: A Houma Manifesto, published in 2014 by Éditions Tintamarre, Dardar’s remarks provide helpful context for a deeper understanding of the issues he addresses in our main episode. These issues involve clearing up misunderstandings surrounding Houma identity, especially as a French-speaking tribe, and advocating for Houma sovereignty in the face of environmental devastation in their coastal homeland. Listen here:

We are pleased and proud to offer these podcast episodes in order to contribute to "rethinking Acadia in the world." Please subscribe to Acadiversité, and feel free to share these resources!


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